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  • Tags: Trump

Trump's name is spelled vertically and for each letter, there is a corresponding criticism.

During and before the 2016 election, Donald Trump was notorious for placing all that he thought on social media, especially Twitter. He continues to use it as his primary mode of communication.

Trump mocked a reporter with a disability and launched personal attacks against the parents of Humayun Khan, as well as Senator John McCain whom he criticized for being a prisoner of war.

Editor Graydon Carter feuded with Trump over the years. Starting when Carter called Trump "a short-fingered vulgarian." This idea came up during the election campaign.

Collection Title: California Women's March posters and ephemera, 2017
During and before the 2016 election, Donald Trump was notorious for placing all that he thought on social media, especially Twitter. This is the primary platform he uses to communicate.

References a video released to the media which showed Trump saying he could grab women by the pussy coupled with the allegations that Vladimir Putin along with the Russian government interfered in the 2016 US election campaign in order to help Trump…

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